I need to rant. Today, I'm down ON technology. Absolutely hatin' it. Now, I get the time saving advantages, social networking, blah blah, that it allegedly brings to our lives. But, today I fought technology, and technology won. Example #1. Today, one of my co-workers called me to asked me if I had got a voicemail she had left me and if I needed her to assist me with anything. I innocently replied "What voicemail?" She had left me a voicemail a few hours earlier, but my little voicemail red indicator light wasn't lit on my phone. So, I enter the voicemail system to discover to my absolute dismay that I had 17 (yup 17!) new voicemail messages dating back almost 3 weeks. Now, keep in mind, I'm new at my company. Not returning client and vendor voice mails; totally uncool. Funny enough, I was grousing incessantly about a client last week who wasn't returning my calls...You guessed it folks, 2 of those 17 messages were from her. Now, according to another co-worker, inadvertently turning off that indicator light in the labyrinth that is the automated VM attendant is very easy. I think she just felt sorry for me. I honestly don't remember being anywhere even close to that menu choice. I say the system did it without me cause it hates me. That's my story...I'm sticking to it. Example #2. Tonight, I came home and begrudgingly went onto Facebook mostly to try and block a few so called "friends" who refuse to stop telling me how many chickens they have raised on their damn farm. So anyway, needless to say, I can't figure out how to block these people's posts without defriending them. However, as I'm rooting around on the FB, I see that I have a new message that I swear wasn't there a few days ago, but is from early March. It was from a neighbor of my friend Karen in Minneapolis asking if I could give her some advice about some good stores in Milwaukee where she could possibly sell her jewelry line. She was planning on being here at the end of the month and was hoping I could help her. Well, it's the end of the month and I never responded because I didn't see it. So, I guess you could blame that one of on me and my total lack of competence. Whatever. Seven year olds understand Facebook. Maybe, I should just bag the whole thing and go totally Amish. I just might....they seem so peaceful...probably because they don't use technology. Please don't comment on this blog. I'm sure I won't be able to figure out how to access the comments. Sigh.