I've never run 6 miles non-stop in my life before.....until today! Already a few weeks behind on my 1/2 marathon training, I hit the Petit Center this afternoon to try my first ever crack at a 5+ mile run. I was hoping to be running outside already, but we've been hit with a stubborn cold snap with temps 10-15 degrees below average. I went in with a manageable goal; just to run further than my 5 mile run last week. Even if that meant 1/4 mile more. I started very slowly as I really wanted to pace myself for 6 miles. As I hit the mile markers, tunes on my iPod helped me along. At the 3 mile mark Vienna by Billy Joel came on. The verse "slow down, you're doing fine...you can't be everything you want to be before your time" seemed to fit. At 4 miles Bruno Mars' sang "girl you're amazing, just the way you are". Thanks Bruno....helpful. My iPod was on shuffle and the whole time I was running I was hoping for the Rocky training/theme song to come on. That song always fires me up. I was bummed as I was scant minutes from finishing and it hadn't played. Then, true story, as I rounded the last turn before the 6 mile mark, the song started almost like it knew I needed to hear it. I got so psyched I ran an additional 1/3 mile as the song blared in my earphones. A few tears filled my eyes as I finished. A super cool day for me. Doing something I wasn't sure I could feels pretty great. Next week, 7 miles.