When Russ and I were at the Tour De France in 2001, we ended up watching a mountain stage with a group of Americans who came to cheer on Lance Armstrong. Due to the fact that both driving routes to the gathering on the mountain were closed before they were supposed to be, Russ and I made the 13-mile trek toward Chamrousse on foot, armed only with comfortable sports sandals and sheer determination to reach the party. All we had in our backpacks that day were two bottles of water each, a six pack of beer, and a bag of bacon-flavored Bugles. Now, as far as I know, the genius that is bacon-flavored Bugles is not available in the United States. So, needless to say, I snapped up those babies without hesitation in France's equivalent of a 7-Eleven earlier in the day. When we arrived at our destination 13 miles and 5+ hours from where we began, I quickly busted out the brewskies and Bugles and offered some to a couple of our new friends. One of the guys we met (and I wish I remembered his name) uttered the following words ........."Everything is better with bacon". No truer words have ever been spoken my friend. Wherever you are guy from mountain....Thanks a million for one of my favorite catchphrases.
I said those words twice the other night at the State Fair as I gobbled down chocolate- covered bacon and bacon-wrapped water chestnuts, both on sticks of course, with Stace and Jenn. Everything IS better....MUCH better.....with bacon.
Agreed! Bacon (and bacon grease) rule.