My Grandma Orley was a great lady and a devout Catholic. She believed in all the saints and their special causes but I think her favorite saint was Saint Anthony of Padua. He was the patron saint of lost and stolen articles. My grandma used to work at a factory where cardboard boxes were cut and assembled. Once, she lost the diamond from her wedding ring on the floor of the factory during one of her shifts. She prayed to St. Anthony and lo and behold, among all the piles of cardboard shavings and dirt, she located her diamond. A few months ago, also among a fair amount of dirt and chaos caused by my bathroom remodeling project, I lost my digital camera. Well, I looked everywhere and could not find it. So I said a little prayer to St. Tony hoping I hadn't used up all my locating "credits" throughout my life. Everyone knows that I'm a bit careless and tend to misplace things. Actually, the truth of the matter is that I tend to think I've lost things when in fact they are usually right under my nose at all times. Andrea always teases me about my 'lost' keys and cell phone, and 99 out of 100 times they are always in my purse. Well, earlier today in a major cleaning frenzy that involved the actual movement of furniture, I located my camera. It was under my dresser (where I had looked more than once) but tucked between the dresser and the bed frame at an angle just so as to be out of my sight line. Anyway, some doubters would say that wasn't St. Anthony as much as whoever the patron saint of clean and organized homes is. I'm sticking with the big A. I even mused to my family that perhaps if I prayed to him enough he would find me a husband. Of course, to that my family replied "Did you lose one?" Touche! So, look to future posts to includes some long lost photos.
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