Monday, August 3, 2009

Welcome to the Rech Room


Welcome to the very first post on my new blog, The Rech Room. I think the first, most logical question is "Mary, why are you writing a blog?" That's a perfect question. When I started to consider this idea, my first thought was "Why would anyone want to read my blog?" "What is interesting and special about me, my interests or my life?" My sister Peggy sort of backed up that sentiment when someone asked her if she would ever blog. Maybe that's a Rech family hangup....not really feeling comfortable bringing attention to ourselves.

After floating out the idea to some of my peeps, I was assured, that at least for a select few, my blog would be special. And, it will allow me to document all the experiences and photographic evidence of my life adventures in one centralized location. I'm terrible about documenting memories and milestones in my life and the lives of the people who are important to me. I have an untold number of boxes crammed full of photographs, undated and waiting patiently to be put into albums. I don't journal or even keep a simple diary. I want to be able to create memories that I can reflect on in years to come. Simply put, I hope that if people start to read and expect new blog posts, I will feel the pressure and the guilt (thanks St. Anthony's Catholic grade school nuns!) to keep it updated. For them, but really, for me.

I know who will read this regularly. All the usual suspects. 1.) My parents, who signed a contract at my birth stating they would love me unconditionally, support me emotionally and financially when needed, and read my potential future blog. 2.) My sister-in-law, Andrea. She is not only a great sis-in-law and friend, but a self described "blog junkie". My theory is if she will read the blogs of a gaggle of people she has never met, she'll check in on mine. 3.) Peg and Russ, my sister and brother-in-law. They both enjoy a blog now and again, and Russ, who has been blogging so well for years was my primary inspiration. 4.) My dear friends Stacy, Karen and Naomi. They signed the friend version of the aforementioned reading is a mandatory clause. 5.) Jassen, my wonderful brother-in-law. Mostly, because he's simply one of the most thoughtful people on the planet in my humble opinion and he would want to support me. Now, who won't read it. 1.) My brothers. I love them both dearly but Ross has never met a computer he likes or knows how to truly operate, and Steve....oh Steven....well, who knows, he may just surprise me.

What will I write about? Probably just about everything and anything that grabs my interest that day, week or month. Events, news, books, movies, cultural tidbits, people, local happenings, travels, things that make me go "hmmmmm", awesome vocabulary words (or should I say wondrous, stupefying, majestic or exalted vocabulary words?) In short, just general observations from somehow who generally likes to observe. So, I hope you will enjoy it. Welcome to The Rech Room!

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