Thursday, August 6, 2009

What's in a name?

I just wanted to use this post to give a quick shoutout to a few people who helped me create the idea and the "brand" if you will, behind my blog. A huge thanks to my best friends Bill and Stacy for helping me brainstorm the name. It actually didn't take long, as we quickly found the connection from my last name to the room in many peoples homes (or basements) that is designed solely for entertainment. As kids, we spent hours in our basement recreation room building forts, playing video and board games, and seeking saftey from the occasional tornado. Hopefully, I'll entertain with this blog.

Another big thank you to my friend Jenn Rochon. A very talented graphic artist, she suggested and created the groovy, 70's style image. Don't you remember sitting in your basement, playing Atari as a kid as you stared at a clock or wall hanging very similiar to the one in my graphic? I do. Thanks again Bill, Stace and Jenn!

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