Thursday, September 3, 2009

70 and Counting

As most of my friends and family know, I have attended a LOT of weddings. I think that may even be what some would call an understatement. I was 13 years old when I attended my first wedding, that of my favorite childhood baby-sitter, Katie Hemmer. Since then, I have logged at least another 70 weddings. Could be more as there is no doubt that I've forgotton a few as well. Someone once asked me how I knew the number. At first, I wasn't keeping count. But one day I was like "Damn, I have been to a lot of weddings!!" and I started to write them down. I feel honored to be included in so many people's special day, but I hope to not have to repeat the phrase I have uttered countless times..."Always a guest, never the bride" until at least after the next wedding I attend is my own. From my lips to God's ears.
Last weekend, the entire Wisco Rech clan piled into two cars to attend the Indianapolis wedding of a dear family friend, Aaron Moody. I think I have the street cred to officially declare myself a wedding aficionado. I know what constitutes an amazing wedding, and this one was about as close to perfect as I have ever seen. From the venue, to the ceremony, to the invitations/table decor/paper details to the cake and the band, it was absolutely top notch. Even the weather cooperated, with a sun-filled sky, a few picturesque fluffy clouds and a light, lovely breeze. Only a few people I know deserve a day of such perfection, and Aaron is one of them. He is absolutely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. His new bride Alissa seems lovely as well. The entire Moody family is as great as he is and the Rechs were lucky to befriend them a number of years ago. I guess the fact that they are awesome isn't a coincidence. My Aunt Sheila is their grandmother. In addition to spending time with the Moodys, we got to hang out with our cousins Adam and Stacy all the way in from California who we haven't seen in about 9 years. Uncle Gene was there too. What could be better? A kick-ass time was had by all. Here are just a few of my favorite moments of the day and night.

1.) Andrea with her hands in the air, screaming at the amazing band "You guys are KILLING it!!!"
2.) Ross making one of his worst decisions ever.....ordering up a round of shots for the group...The bad decision part....straight up Bicardi Rum
3.) Us drinking the shots and asking each other "What the hell was that?"
4.) The solid 15 seconds it took for my cousin Adam to recognize me when I accosted him after the wedding to give him a big bear hug (9 years is a long time!)
5.) Christian Moody showing off his hybrid version of the electric slide/macarena/hustle and whatever other crazy dance moves he could throw in.
6.) Stacy working it OUT on the dance floor
7.) Seeing family that I haven't seen in years and hoping it won't be another 9 years until I see them again.

Congratulations Aaron and Alissa!


  1. LOVE the Rechs! Mare - there's a reason you are invited to so many weddings: EVERYONE LOVES YOU AND YOU ARE SO MUCH FUN!!!

  2. 70?! That's crazy. This looked like a fun one!

  3. He is absolutely one of the nicest guys I've ever met. His new bride Alissa seems lovely as well.

    You're kidding, right? You do know that Aaron has a child from a previous relationship that he abandoned 11 weeks into the pregnancy, correct? He and Alissa didn't pay a dime in child support until Aaron's ex (and mother of his child) took him to court. He has never met his son. And actually got married the day before his son's first birthday.

    Yes, SUPER nice guy.

    What a joke.
